Home Energy Savings Tips

Any homeowner knows, there comes a time when you wonder how you can possibly save in energy usage. For most households, it usually hits in the holiday or winter months, when the time indoors increases. Though most will ensure the lights are shut off when leaving a room, or that electronics aren’t left on to drain energy all day, there are some plumbing things to consider too.

If you’re looking to reduce your energy usage around your home, here’s what to consider:

Reconsider Your Temperature Habits 

Though this isn’t directly linked to plumbing per se, it’s still an easy, yet officiant, way you can stop wasting energy around the home. When it comes to your home’s thermostat and comfort level, consider the below: 

  • When you’re sleeping or out of your house for an extended period of time, adjust the temperature on your thermostat so that your heating/cooling system doesn’t have to work so hard.
  • Check your windows and doors for air leaks and add caulk or weatherstripping where necessary.
  • Similarly, locate spaces that are utility cut-throughs for your pipes as well as spaces that may be visible around recessed lighting and seal those areas as well.
  • Have your heating and cooling system serviced to ensure it’s performing properly.
  • Invest in a digital thermostat so that you can set temperature patterns in different areas of your home. 

Water-Saving Tips 

Water conservation is easier than you think! From turning off the water when you brush to shorter showers, there are many things to consider today, this week, and even within the month. For starters: 

Today, turn down the water heater to 120 degrees and ensure your water heater has an insulating blanket.

This week, purchase a low-flow shower-head and faucet aerator, which will make your plumbing fixtures more efficient.

This month, insulate your hot water pipes and seal up all the air leaks in your home.

In fact, there’s a complete checklist for all your water-saving needs, here.

Be in the Know About Handwashing

Now more than ever, washing your hands thoroughly has become an essential way to ensure you do your part in spreading disease. However, there can be common misconceptions on how to properly wash. So when it comes to lathering up your palms and rinsing, we have two commonly asked questions below: 

Does Hot Water Really Kill More Germs?

Ironically, and back to the germ-eliminating point above, we’re not even producing that energy waste at the expense of sustaining or health. Shocker! The temperature actually needed to kill off germs is above the boiling point, which would damage our skin way before cleaning it.

How Can I Cut Energy Costs?

We thought you’d never ask! Just by switching to cold or cool water for handwashing, you can save a substantial amount of energy. Pair a cool rinse with antibacterial soap and a clean hand towel,  and your hands will be just as clean as it was when you used hot water instead.

Studies prove that heating water to a temperature that’s actually seldom used can waste a ton of energy. If you commit to cold-water hand washing (and maybe even cooler showers), you can also lower the maximum temperature on your water heater to about 120-degrees, which will help save energy not just in your home, but all across the country, too.

An Upgrade Could Lead to Rebates 

Sometimes you get what you pay for, and in the case of saving energy, for some households, an upgrade can make a significant impact in more ways than one. If you have older, outdated water heaters, dishwashers, or washing machines, chances are they weren’t built with today’s water conservation and energy-efficient tips in mind. An upgrade can save your water and energy usage, and many might come with rebate options too. 

Speaking of rebates, for those looking to upgrade to a natural; gas dryer or tankless water heater, opting for Energy Star certified appliances could make you eligible for some significant rebate options. See the current opportunities and apply for the latest rebates here. 

Energy Savings and Upgrades with Barker and Sons Plumbing 

If you are looking for an upgrade our team of professionals is here to help you save energy today! In fact,  experts at Barker and Sons Plumbing are doing their part in ensuring our customer’s needs are safely met during any circumstances. Call us at (714) 630-8766 or request service online today!