Top 5 Common Causes of Clogged Drains
Though they aren’t uncommon and something that any homeowner will experience at one point or another, we get it – clogged drains are frustrating. And although they can be pretty simple to fix, we know that not knowing the cause of the clog can make the issue even more frustrating for the person or people experiencing it.
As your trusted Orange County plumber, we want to make things a little easier on you and share some of the common causes of clogged drains. This way, if you should ever have one in your home, you’ll have a better understanding of why.
5 Reasons Why Your Drains Are Clogged
Hair – long hair especially is a very common reason why drains start to slow down, particularly those drains in your tub and/or shower. Any strands that come loose during your shower eventually make their way to your pipes, and when there’s enough of it wrapped around your pipes and in clumps, it makes it harder for water to pass through.
Soap scum – even though soap may seem like something that’s meant to go down the drain (after all, you use it with water), over time it can be the reason why your plumbing is backed up. This is because certain kinds of soap can leave behind a residue that doesn’t get along with your pipes.
Wipes – just because something is advertised as being flushable doesn’t mean you should constantly be putting it down your toilet. Trust us, as experts in our field, we stick behind the idea that the only thing that should be flushed down the toilet is waste and toilet paper!
Grease – pouring grease down the kitchen sink seems like a simple way to clean up after cooking, but grease and your plumbing do not mix. If it’s your kitchen sink that gives you a problem, think back a bit and see if you can remember any instances where you poured some grease (or oils and fats too) down the drain.
Food – along the same lines as grease, food should never be put down your drain either (unless it’s headed down the garbage disposal). If you don’t have a garbage disposal to use, all excess food scraps belong in the trash can – even the tiniest pieces of leftovers too.
As we mentioned earlier, we know that a clogged drain can be extremely frustrating, which is why drain cleaning is one of our plumbing services! From preventative maintenance to emergency service, we can handle everything related to your drains, no matter how big or small the task may be.
To learn more about our drain cleaning services or to make an appointment with us, please give us a call at 714.630.8766 today.