The Dangers of Hidden Plumbing Leaks

With summer in full bloom, the memories of our rainy winter might be fading, but the impact on your Fullerton home could still be lingering. Have you noticed standing water outside your home? This seemingly minor annoyance might be an indication of a bigger problem—a slab leak. So, what exactly is a slab leak, and how do we fix it?

What is a Slab Leak?

A slab leak is a leak that happens under the concrete slab foundation of your home. These leaks can contribute to structural issues if not resolved immediately and unfortunately can be difficult to spot. When left unrepaired, they can even cause health threats to you and your family. That’s why it’s crucial to know how to find a slab leak so that you can act quick if a problem arises.

If you are in a newly built home or have recently undergone an extensive remodel or repair, it’s wise to take a look at the integrity of the pipes near your foundation. Damage during or after construction is one of the most common causes of slab leaks.

They can also be caused by the aftermath of a wet, rainy winter. As the weather gets warmer and the ground dries up, the soil around your home can expand, creating pressure on your foundation. This shifting of the ground can lead to slab leaks. This stress and strain can also cause gas leaks the same way.

Signs of a Slab Leak

Spotting a slab leak is like finding Waldo, but wetter. While these invisible leaks can be intimidating, knowing the warning signs can help save your home before things escalate.

  • Sudden spikes in your water bill
  • The sound of running water when pipes aren’t in use
  • Moisture, mildew, or mold under carpeting
  • Moving water meter dial when you aren’t using water
  • Standing water around the perimeter of your house
  • Unusually low water pressure
  • Cracks in your baseboard or walls
  • Damp or warm floors

The Barker and Sons Solution

If you’ve noticed any of these problems, give Barker & Sons a call for an expert diagnosis and professional slab leak repair. Whether a complete pipe repair or capping and rerouting pipes is the right answer, we are here to help protect your investment and your family. Let’s keep the water where it belongs—in your pipes.