How Small Leaks Can Lead to Big Trouble

Picture this: You and your family are taking a two-week vacation to experience a New England winter with extended family. While out on the East Coast, your kids enjoy making snowmen, snow angels, and snowballs. At the end of the two weeks, you’re more than ready to say goodbye to cold and snow and say hello to your Capistrano Beach home.

However, when you finally make it home, you can’t relax because your bathroom is completely soaked, from the cabinets to the floor, and it’s even leaking into your bedroom. You open the cabinets under the bathroom sink, and water is steadily drip, drip, dripping. Not only that, but gross mold has taken up residence in the back corner, too. It’s been leaking the entire two weeks you’ve been gone, and you had no idea!!

Unfortunately, this scenario is all too common. Small leaks can become big trouble if they aren’t caught quickly. But how can you prevent unwanted disasters without sacrificing your holiday travel plans?

The Dangers of Small Leaks

If you’ve raised children, then you know big disasters can come in small packages. There is a big difference, though, between spending an afternoon washing markers off the walls and picking up the same set of toys than dealing with water damage and mold, causing a health risk for you and your family.

Even a leak as small as a dime can cause thousands of gallons of wasted water. Not only will that substantially increase your water bill, but the cost of repairing the damage adds up fast. If leaks aren’t caught quickly, insurance companies may even deny claims based on negligence, causing even more unwanted stress for you.

If you don’t think your plumbing has a leak, you might be surprised to hear just how common they are. It’s estimated that 40% of all homes have leaks! Even if you don’t wake up one day to find a giant water stain on your ceiling or floor, it doesn’t mean your pipes are leak-free. Water is significantly sneakier than your kid when they try to feed their veggies to the dog. Water can trickle down to other parts of your home, damaging everything in its path.

Benefits of an Emergency Water Shut-off Device

Not all leaks are obvious, and if you’re out of town, you can’t catch the noticeable ones either. At least you can’t unless you have an emergency water shut-off device installed on your main water line. This device monitors your water usage and sends live updates to your phone.

It can detect those small dime-sized leaks AND automatically turn off your water so you don’t have to worry about hundreds of gallons of water leaking throughout your home. If you need to shut off your water manually, guess what? You can do that from your phone, too! So whether you are 50 feet or 500 miles away from home, you know it’s safe and protected.

More than half of homeowners reported being notified of a leak they didn’t know they had after installing this device! Once you find the hidden leaks in your system, we will help you get them all sealed up with our pipe repair service so that you can have the safest and most efficient plumbing system on the block. And who doesn’t want those bragging rights?

Stay Dry with Barker and Sons

Vacations are supposed to be relaxing, and coming home afterward is supposed to be relieving. Give yourself the peace of mind that you can do just that with an emergency water shut-off device. If you’re ready to keep your home protected from leaks and water damage, give us a call.