How to Keep Roots From Wrecking Your Sewer Line

National Arbor Day is tomorrow! While we love the beauty that trees add to our homes, it’s only natural that their roots grow towards sewer lines. This problem can your plumbing and your wallet – thousands of dollars! So how can you prevent it?

Here’s how you can keep roots from wrecking your sewer line at home:

Determine where sewer lines are located. Call your local public works department or 811 (the “Call Before You Dig” number) to locate underground utilities. It’s important to know where cables, pipes, and lines are buried before planting anything.

Create a barrier between trees and sewer lines. Several types are available to prevent roots from growing into sewer lines. Slow-release chemicals, like potassium hydroxide and copper sulfate are commonly used in residential areas. Spread them near the sewer line to prevent root growth in that area.

Plant “Sewer-Safe” Trees and Shrubs. Be smart about how you landscape. This is possibly the best to avoid those unwanted repairs. Put a limit on how many plants you place closer to sewer lines and plant large trees far enough.

Know the Warning Signs. Infrequent drain clogs happen. Root damage leads to clogger, overflowing drains – sometimes creating strange noises. But if your drain clogs more often than not, you may be looking at a bigger problem.

Inspection and Maintenance. To avoid major sewer repairs, make sure sewer lines are cleaned regularly and inspect the structure of pipes. Call the professionals at your local plumber to schedule a maintenance and inspection.

Are you ready for an inspection to keep your sewer line clean? Barker and Sons offers sewer line repair services and camera inspections to all of Orange County. Give us a call at 714.630.8766 or visit our website for more information.